The Dana Home Foundation 2014 Grant Award Ceremony

The Dana Home Foundation 2014 Grant Award Recipients and Board Co-Presidents
Left to Right: David Williams, Dana Home Foundation Co-President, Peter Noonan, Supportive Living/Wellness Center, Heather Vandermillen, Cary Memorial Library, Patti Dubielak, Minuteman Senior Services, Debbie King, Perkins Trust, Lt. Robert Cunha, Lexington Fire Department, Sue Rockwell, Lexington Historical Society, George Murnaghan, Church of Our Redeemer, Charlotte Rodgers, Town of Lexington Health and Human Services Department, Laura Vanderhill, Cooperative Elder Services, Jane Trudeau, Friends of the Council on Aging, Randall Hiller, Lexington Chamber Music Center, Patricia S. Nelson, Dana Home Foundation Co-
Left to Right: David Williams, Dana Home Foundation Co-President, Peter Noonan, Supportive Living/Wellness Center, Heather Vandermillen, Cary Memorial Library, Patti Dubielak, Minuteman Senior Services, Debbie King, Perkins Trust, Lt. Robert Cunha, Lexington Fire Department, Sue Rockwell, Lexington Historical Society, George Murnaghan, Church of Our Redeemer, Charlotte Rodgers, Town of Lexington Health and Human Services Department, Laura Vanderhill, Cooperative Elder Services, Jane Trudeau, Friends of the Council on Aging, Randall Hiller, Lexington Chamber Music Center, Patricia S. Nelson, Dana Home Foundation Co-
- Minuteman Senior Services – To continue its support of the Healthy Connections program in Lexington which provides services to seniors including senior nutrition programs (Senior Dining Program at the Lexington Senior Center and Meals On Wheels) and health benefits counseling through SHINE and Healthy Aging programs
- Town of Lexington, Health and Human Services Department - To furnish the new Ellen Dana Wellness Center for seniors at the new Lexington Community Center and to help fund its Senior Outreach Services Program serving Lexington residents over 60 in the areas of community awareness, safety education, telephone reassurance, and reduced or no cost transportation
- Church of Our Redeemer, long time home of the Lexington Food Pantry - To help fund installation of an elevator to provide handicap accessibility to its parish hall
- Cooperative Elder Services – To subsidize the cost of transportation for low-to-moderate income seniors from the Lexington area to its Adult Day Health and Memory Care programs
- Perkins School for the Blind - To continue funding of the Lexington portion of the “Thriving with Vision Loss Project,” an outreach program of the Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library
- Supportive Living, Inc. – To fund a study involving brain injured Lexington elderly residents to identify and seek solutions to environmental factors that challenge community integration of older adults with disabilities
- Cary Memorial Library, Lexington – To expand the library’s selection of materials that are of interest to senior citizens and improve delivery of services to seniors
- Lexington Fire Department – To provide an educational program for seniors on cooking and kitchen safety
- Friends of the Council on Aging – To continue funding of the successful “Lifelong Learning Institute,” a program to provide Lexington seniors with a community-wide, affordable, daytime learning program, offering courses in collaboration with Lexington Community Education, the Lexington Human Services Department, the Council on Aging and other Town and community organizations
- Lexington Historical Society – To fund installation of Hearing Assist equipment and automatic doors to assist elderly and disabled access at the Society’s building in Depot Square
- Lexington Chamber Music Center, Inc. – To help fund this ongoing program which presents outreach concerts by high school students at retirement and nursing homes in Lexington and the surrounding towns